Interactive Book Demo

Interactive Book Demo

This demo was created to show off the functionality of my interactive book for Unreal Engine 4. It is a demo room with pages to be picked up, books to be read and you can also interact with pages that are generated trough widgets. To see more detailed information and...
Interactive Book is now available

Interactive Book Documentation

Introduction Features Book How to create a book Adding pages to the book Book blueprints Cover Material Book “Class Defaults” Pages How to create a page Page “Class Defaults” Page Blueprints Page Textures Page Material Page Material Settings...
Reverse animation in 3dstudio

Reverse animation in 3dstudio

It is amazing what you learn even after having used 3d studio max for so long. I don’t do a whole lot of animation, just simple ting. Mostly fade in, move to a location, fade out. I was working on an animation at work today and it turned out to be a little more...