Stop “copy and paste” you twat!

by | Sep 10, 2016 | Blog, Fun, Unreal Engine 4

When did this

become hotter than this?

Stop discrimination against blueprints, all blueprints are beautiful!

Yesterday I was working on the random dungeon generator. I kept copy pasting all the time. Then it hit me. Why? Why don’t you just make a macro or a function out of this?

I kept adding + and – depending on what I needed, then I fetched my X integer and my Y integer. Why not make a macro that does this for me?

As you can tell by the second screenshot, its not that great to look at, and its very time consuming to work this way. Instead of this I made two macros to help me out (the second screenshot). Why didn’t I work like this before you might ask yourself.  To answer that I want to take deeper look … No, just kidding, its because I am an idiot… 🙂

Now I wont have to copy paste these values or make them again. So if you ever find yourself in a position where you ask yourself, “hey, haven’t I copied these a million times?” Then its time to think, like I did, “why don’t I just make a macro or function out of this?”.

Here is a look inside the macro’s :